Spur-winged Geese
Spur-winged Geese

Lunch at a waterhole

Surprise visitor for lunch

March 1979

 It was lunchtime on a nice warm day, with no sign of rain. The rainy season was a while off with less than 5mm predicted for the whole month. After about 30 miles the guide pointed for us to drive into a small area of trees so that we at least had some cover. He knew of course that there was a waterhole hidden on the far edge of the trees. There were a few birds at the waterhole but unfortunately no game. Spur-winged Goose (Plectropterus gambensis) in the photo and egrets off camera.  Definitely none of the 'Big 5'. Still the birds were worth a photo.

Out came the trestle tables to be set up beside the truck, on the side away from the waterhole. the kettle was on, and food quickly prepared. Lunches are not normally long drawn out occasions, there is so much more to see and do in the short days of the tropics, and this lunchtime was not planned to be any different.

People generally milling around the side of the truck, finishing lunch, and somebody noticed an elephant approaching, one of the big 5, without a doubt. We kept quiet and watched in awe as it got to the waterhole and started drinking and washing, or prehaps cooling down. Such a treat.

We watched and took photos, still by the truck as that was quite close to the waterhole anyway. Nobody had to crawl through the undergrowth to get a better view. I think I had a 135mm lens on my Pentax film SLR.

Then things changed, it noticed us and was not happy sharing its space. Ears out and flapping, trunk in the air, it started to approach us. We opened the other door on the cab, both ears out as it were and sent the EMs to the relative safety of the back of the truck. There was no way we could board and drive away before it got to us, and absolutely not including packing up. I took a few more photos at the front of the truck beside the guide. The last image I saw through the viewfinder, from a full frame elephant, became a full frame elephant eye. Oh no, that did not respond to the button. Slide 37 had been and gone, the last in the series below, and 38 was just wishful thinking. So no actual photo. Time to put the camera down, on the seat in the cab, and apply a little focus of a different type.

The problem was how do you dissuade a young bull elephant intent on doing damage and getting ready to charge from doing exactly that and hurting people, the truck, and itself in the process. It may have been young bull elephant by the size of the tusks, but as it approached it was evident it now had an extra leg dragging in the dirt, fully identifying it as a bull. You throw a stick at it apparently. Well that is what the guide did, and it had the required effect. It stopped in its track. Turned, and walked off. Not used to having that sort of response I guess.

Elephant arrives at waterhole


Elephant washes at waterhole


Elephant at waterhole spots us


Elephant at waterhole not happy


Elephant at waterhole approaches


The elephant gets closer and the photo sufferes from camera shake before the camara gets put down.


Then it was with some relief that we quickly packed up, got everybody on board, and returned to the track. On our way again, before it changed its mind.


To see the photos of this article in HD follow this link to my photo gallery site. Click here.

To see a map of the approximate route,  click here



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News Flash

Repairs following hosting move


Spending some time this May repairing links and photos damaged in the move to the new website host. Particularly the articles transferred form the previous travelogue to this, the current Travel website. 

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In the begining of August 2023 I transfered my ivanhurst.me.uk sites, including this one from 123-reg to IONOS. It was meant to be a simple task. However, that was to to be the case. The reason for the move was primarily the hugh increase in price that 123-reg was applying regarding email boxes. Previously, the upto 500 of the boxes were included in the various hosting packages I had. Now they were going to charge for each mailbox based on size, and as far as I could make out, this was going to cost me nearly £2,000. This was not acceptable, and I did not get satisfactory answers from support. So I turned off all the auto renews and stated to move sites and domains accross to IONOS.

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The site is built on a content management system, CMS, using Joomla. Joomla is moving forward and version 3.10.?? is being discontinued. Future developments are for version 4.??

Similarly, PHP 7 is being replaced with PHP 8.

Part of the migration is relatively simple, I have already changed to a new template which works on the new platforms.

However, some of the helper applications, which work within Joomla are not yet ready.

Fabrik is one of those applications, if fact a significant 'Joomla Custom Website Application Builder'.

Refresh 2021


Site refresh Easter 2021

I decided to give the site a bit of a refresh over Easter 2021 and install a new template and some additional functions. One of the things I didn't like about the old site was the delay in text appearing which probably meant some people left before the content appeared. This has been disabled now.