Oil exploration
An Oil rig in the Sahara Desert

Oil exploration in Southern Tunisia


Sighting of evidence of Oil in Tunisia / Algeria

Algeria 20 Feb 1979 to 9 Mar 1979

25 February 1979

27°42'46.994" N 9°9'19.396" E

Driving South West in Southern Tunisia, close to the Libyan border, we came across an oil rig nestling amongst the sand dunes.

 Coming across this photos of the oil rig and storage tanks led me into researching their possible locations and tracking the route as far as I could remember it on Google and Bing Maps. The fixed points I had were the amphitheatre at El Jem, Tunisia and the prehistoric cave painting at DJanet, Algeria. Also known as Tassili n'Ajjer. A distance of over 800 m or 1300 Km. About four days traveling in our Bedford 4x4 on the predomiently dirt and sand roads. 


Oil storage Tunisia 500k


However, locating the underground homes in Matmata, Tunisia cut the search down to about 700 m or 1100 Km. 

All wrong apparenly. It was unlikly that we managed to get this far into the Al-Burmah Oil field in Southern Tunisia. See here for that story.

Oil was found in Southern Tunisia in 1964 and the Al-Burmah Oil field sperads across into the adjacent Algeria. These photos are perhaps closer to In Amenas in Algeria than to Tataouine in Tunisia.

Research led to this site about Berkine Basin oil field, including a map. Another site with a map at the end of the article. Al-Burmah oil field is also know as El Borma. El Borma is located amidst the vast sand dunes of the Grand Erg Oriental in eastern Algeria. Another oil field map.


To see the photos of this article in HD follow this link to my photo gallery site. Click here.


Map of North Africa with approximate route zoomed in to the location of the oil storage tanks.


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News Flash

Repairs following hosting move


Spending some time this May repairing links and photos damaged in the move to the new website host. Particularly the articles transferred form the previous travelogue to this, the current Travel website. 

Change of host Sept 2023


Change of host Sept 2023


In the begining of August 2023 I transfered my ivanhurst.me.uk sites, including this one from 123-reg to IONOS. It was meant to be a simple task. However, that was to to be the case. The reason for the move was primarily the hugh increase in price that 123-reg was applying regarding email boxes. Previously, the upto 500 of the boxes were included in the various hosting packages I had. Now they were going to charge for each mailbox based on size, and as far as I could make out, this was going to cost me nearly £2,000. This was not acceptable, and I did not get satisfactory answers from support. So I turned off all the auto renews and stated to move sites and domains accross to IONOS.

Travel data problems


Travel data problems

This is where it starts to get a little technical.

The site is built on a content management system, CMS, using Joomla. Joomla is moving forward and version 3.10.?? is being discontinued. Future developments are for version 4.??

Similarly, PHP 7 is being replaced with PHP 8.

Part of the migration is relatively simple, I have already changed to a new template which works on the new platforms.

However, some of the helper applications, which work within Joomla are not yet ready.

Fabrik is one of those applications, if fact a significant 'Joomla Custom Website Application Builder'.

Refresh 2021


Site refresh Easter 2021

I decided to give the site a bit of a refresh over Easter 2021 and install a new template and some additional functions. One of the things I didn't like about the old site was the delay in text appearing which probably meant some people left before the content appeared. This has been disabled now.